Erik graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Biology. Prior to joining
MDRCBB in his current role, he contributed to the lab on a part time basis since 2016.
Moving forward, Erik will primarily work with company related projects, however, being
trained to analyze surfaces by XPS, fluorescent microscopy, and dynamic water contact
angles he will likely contribute in a minor role to a variety of projects.
Erik graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Biology. Prior to joining
MDRCBB in his current role, he contributed to the lab on a part time basis since 2016.
Moving forward, Erik will primarily work with company related projects, however, being
trained to analyze surfaces by XPS, fluorescent microscopy, and dynamic water contact
angles he will likely contribute in a minor role to a variety of projects.

Dina obtained her BChD and MDS from Mansoura University in Egypt and was an Assistant Lecturer of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Dina first developed her basic research expertise by joining a craniofacial development project in Schutte Lab at Michigan State University. Dina then joined 2BI for her PhD, where she studied the multifactorial interfacial failure of aesthetic dental restorations as the main etiology of recurrent caries. Currently, Dina is studying the etiology of dental caries through tracking how carious lesions and microbiota reciprocally influence each other at the disease onset and after the disease progression as a Postdoctoral Associate. Outside of lab, Dina enjoys traveling, pondering nature, playing tennis, and spending time with her family.